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Wildcat Parents



E.B.A.L. Expectations of Behavior
SPORTSMANSHIP PREAMBLE:The member schools of the CIF, EBAL are committed to providing a sportsmanlike environment for the students, coaches, and spectators.
SPORTSMANSHIP DEFINITION: A person who can take a loss or defeat without complaint, or victory without gloating, and who treats his/her opponents with fairness, courtesy, and respect.  (CIF)
The following behavior is unacceptable at all CIF high school contests:
1.  berating your opponent's school or mascot
2.  berating opposing players
3.  obscene cheers or gestures
4.  negative signs
5.  noisemakers
6.  complaining about officials' calls (verbal or gestures)
In the EBAL:
  • Spectators are expected to treat players, coaches, and officials with respect. No personal, non-performance related comments will be tolerated.  (For example, spectators saying "air ball" would be tolerated but yelling "pizza face" at a player would not be tolerated.)
  • Spectators must follow all host site rules, and therefore, follow direction, rules set by the administrators and/or designees from either school.
  • Yells should emanate from the cheerleaders.  (Schools should discourage impromptu yells, cheers, and comments from individuals or minor groups.)
  • Face painting is allowed.  Face painting may be done to show school spirit and only in one's own school colors.
  • Spirit signs are allowed.  Signs must be positive for one's own school and be kept in the designated area.  Visiting school may also hang signs under the same aforementioned conditions.  Visitors must abide by posting regulations of the host school.
  • Only the home team band may perform
  • Boasting/cheering about previous victories ("bragging rights") is not allowed. 
See CIF definition of Sportsmanship.
Spectators:  (CIF)
  • Spectators are required to maintain a high degree of sportsmanship during athletic contests.
  • Spectators must, at all times remain in the designated seating areas while a contest is in progress.
  • No spectator is allowed to confront an official, coach, or player before, during or after an athletic contest.
  • The actions of a spectator, detrimental to the playing of the game, may cause forfeiture of that contest.
In the EBAL:
  • Spectators are not allowed on playing area before the game, at halftime, or during the game.
  • Spectators, mascots, cheerleaders, and players are expected to stay in designated school area.
  • Spectators will not interfere with homecoming floats or performing bands.
  • Spectators will not throw any objects on the playing area.
  • The host school's PA announcer must abide by the same rules of conduct and sportsmanship as any spectator.
  • Coaches are responsible for their own and players' actions.


SRVUSD is implementing a new system for all adults who wish to volunteer on a school campus or drive/chaperone day and overnight field trips and athletic events. This new Volunteer Management System features a web-based software application that allows the District and all schools to better track and provide the appropriate level of clearance for school volunteers.
ALL adult volunteers will need to go through this new process. The District will NOT be asking parents to incur any of the costs associated with these clearance processes. For more information, and to begin the application process, visit the Volunteer Requirements page on the district website.
Parent Tutorial Video – This tutorial walks parents through the process of using the VMS. 


Homework/Makeup Work
Homework is defined as the time students spend outside the classroom in assigned learning activities. The Board believes the purpose of homework is to practice and to extend knowledge and skill. The Board also believes, as research supports, that student learning is positively affected when homework assignments are purposeful and engaging, and are appropriate in quality and quantity. The Board further believes completing homework is the responsibility of the student. As students mature, they are more able to work independently.
The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that administrators and teachers develop and implement an effective homework plan at each school site.
Makeup Work
Students who miss schoolwork because of an excused absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time.
(cf. 5113 – Absences and Excuses)
Students who miss schoolwork because of unexcused absences may be given the opportunity to make up missed work for full or reduced credit. Teachers shall assign such makeup work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure. When students miss schoolwork because of suspensions, the Board of Education expects that teachers shall give students the opportunity to make-up missed work. Teachers shall assign such makeup work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure.
Homework is an integral component of education that deepens student learning and understanding. K-12 students will participate in homework that is meaningful, purposeful, and appropriate.
Homework For All Grades Levels
  • The Grade Level Guidelines of this policy are based on the needs of the average student. The amount of homework assigned to students should be different in elementary, middle, and high school. The amount of time a student spends on assigned homework depends on factors such as the student’s needs, learning ability, subject, school schedule, testing schedule and assigned homework due dates. Time spent on homework should be balanced with the importance of personal and family well-being, and the wide array of family obligations experienced in our society today.
  • Parents and teachers should make students aware that learning occurs at home, school, and in the world around them.
  • Homework should be the result of collaborative efforts, thoughtfully considered, and coordinated to improve student learning.
  • Homework should be purposeful and meaningful to students. Legitimate purposes for homework include practicing a skill or process that students can do independently but not fluently, elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge, and providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest.
  • Reading is an integral part of learning and is a consistent part of homework.
  • Homework will reflect the accommodations and modifications of curriculum that is stated in a student’s IEP or 504 plan.
  • Assigning homework over holidays is highly discouraged.
  • Homework is defined as any work assigned to be completed outside of class.
High School
  • As a guideline, total homework assignments should have an estimated completion time of 3 hours or less of on task work per night, including reading. Long-term projects should be included in this time frame.
  • Some elective classes such as, but not limited to drama, speech and debate, music, and athletics, will require additional time.
  • Though communication within a high school setting is challenging due to larger numbers of students, staff, and course offerings, staff should make efforts whenever possible to be aware of homework, projects, and testing schedules across the curriculum.
  • Long-term assignments should have clear checkpoints.
  • If weekend homework is deemed necessary, the amount should not exceed a regular day’s assignment. Students may choose to use weekends for review, voluntary work, projects, or completion of make up assignments.
  • AP, Honors, and Advanced courses are higher level classes and will require more extensive homework
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or text HOPE to 20121


No student drop off sign - cropped
In an effort to make our parking lot safer and to expedite the flow of traffic, we will be monitoring the parking lot and drop-off areas before and after school.  Only vehicles with student and/or staff parking permits will be allowed to enter the parking lots.  All drop-offs and pick-ups must occur in the designated area via the circular driveway in front of the school. We have had many reports from both students and staff members who were almost hit in the parking lot, either in their cars or on foot, as they navigated their way through the vehicles dropping off and picking up.  To help lessen the congestion in front of the school, we have assigned a campus monitor to help direct traffic in coordination with the stoplight at Albion. We hope that this will help make dropping off at the designated area in front of the school smoother. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! Please be courteous to our surrounding neighbors and don't double park on the streets around DVHS.