DVHS PTSA is proud to invite all DVHS parents, family members, students, teachers, staff, administrators and community supporters to join us as members and be part of the good work we are doing to benefit Dougherty Valley High School students and community!
All of the below examples of what DVHS PTSA does are only possible with an engaging parent community, generous donations and your yearly memberships.
***While we welcome members to join a committee and attend meetings, members are in no way required to volunteer or attend meetings. Join DVHS PTSA, support the good work we do, stay informed and take advantage as much or as little as suits your needs and schedule!***
Help support the DVHS Parent-Teacher-Student Association with a one time donation. Suggested donation $50-$200.
DVHS PTSA is a 100% volunteer organization made up of Parents, Teachers, Staff and Students. PTSA supports the above programs only through modest membership dues, donations and with the help of a strong and committed Executive Board and dedicated PTSA membership. A few of our active programs include:
Family Engagement/Parent Education
Graduation Activities
Health, Safety and Wellness
Honorary Service Awards
Inclusion & Diversity
Legislative Advocacy
Senior Scholarships
Sister School drives
Special Needs/Exceptional Education
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Grants
The DVHS PTSA prioritizes parent-family-school connection and engagement. We believe teachers are important partners with parents to educate students. Moreover, we believe students should be active participants in their own education, thus we are a PT--S--A, as students’ voices should be empowered as well.
An important DVHS PTSA goal is to foster mutual respect and understanding between the administration, staff, teachers, parents and students. We work to provide a forum for parents/families to be heard and to receive information and feedback. The DVHS PTSA values our community and school diversity, we advocate for our students’ interests and their wellness and partner with DVHS administration to foster a safe, positive climate for students to learn and grow.

The Dougherty Valley High School Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), volunteer-run organization affiliated with the California State PTA and the National PTA.
DVHS PTSA is a member of the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs, and the Thirty-Second District PTA. We represent over members and advocate on behalf of all children in our school community. We promote opportunities for parents to address the needs of high school students and we foster a positive partnership between parents, teachers, students and the community.
PTA is the nation's oldest, largest and highest profile volunteer organization working on behalf of public schools, children and families. PTA volunteers work in their schools and communities to improve the education, health and welfare of all children and youth.
Forms and Flyers
SRV Council of PTAs Anti-Bias Statement
The San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs stands against the unfairness of bias, bigotry and racism in all forms.
The San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs stands against the unfairness of bias, bigotry and racism in all forms. The California State PTA recently published a statement denouncing racial injustice and calling for greater equity and inclusion. We have been addressing inclusion and diversity in our schools for many years, and we are mindful that there is more work to be done. As an organization dedicated to the best interests of all our children and youth, we make special efforts to advocate for our children, youth and families who face institutionalized inequities, including in the educational system. We respond to the call of the California State PTA "to bring to life the principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity" for people of color in our communities by the work of our Inclusion and Diversity Committee and our collaboration with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District. The Council offers below a summary of anti-bias terminology and multimedia resources to our parent communities to be utilized in whatever ways are helpful for them. As parents, we can best support our children and youth by addressing and minimizing the biases they face and witness, to ensure a more equitable future for all.
For the complete statement, visit SRV Council of PTAs website.