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•  Get involved in activities that interest you.  Make sure you keep a written log of your activities, honors/awards, and community service.
•  Attend your school’s annual college fair.
•  Visit colleges if you are in a new area.
•  Continue your involvement with extracurricular activities.  Try to become a leader in at least one of the activities.
•  Review course selection with your Counselor.
•  Do well in your classes! 
•  Study for the PSAT.
•  Take the PSAT and review results with your counselor.  Develop a plan for studying for the SATs/ACTs.
•  Research opportunities for summer programs (community college courses, internships, volunteer opportunities).
•  Visit colleges over the summer or while on breaks.
•       Complete self-assessments and college match assessments to determine what you are looking for in a college.
•  Attend college fairs.
•  Make sure you are taking as rigorous of a course load as you can handle and do well in your classes.
•  Continue with extracurricular activities and leadership experience.
•  Complete PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test).
  • Of the 1.5 million entrants, some 50,000 with the highest PSAT/NMSQT Selection Index scores (critical reading + mathematics + writing skills scores) qualify for recognition in the National Merit® Scholarship Program.  Winners are selected from the approximately 15,000 finalists. National Merit
•  Study for standardized tests.
•  Take AP exams if applicable.
•  Visit colleges and begin your college list.
•  Complete SAT/ACT/SAT Subject exams.
•  Summer leading into Senior year – work on Applications/Personal Statements
•  Finalize list of colleges and visit your top choice schools.
•  Research and apply for scholarships.
•  Continue your involvement in extra curricular activities.
•  Research admission requirements for schools and deadlines.  Create a timeline for yourself so that you don’t miss any deadlines.
•  Decide if you are going to do early action or early decision for any schools.
•  Retake the SATs/ACTs if applicable.
•  Complete the FAFSA starting October 1.
•  After receiving acceptances, attend preview days if campuses are holding them.
•  Mail in your Intent to Register and deposit.