- School Info
Principal's Office
Any questions or concerns regarding student and/or teacher issues should begin at Step 1 and proceed as necessary through the remaining steps of the process:
Any questions or concerns regarding student and/or teacher issues should begin at Step 1 and proceed as necessary through the remaining steps of the process:
Any questions or concerns regarding student and/or teacher issues should begin at Step 1 and proceed as necessary through the remaining steps of the process:
- Student communicating with teacher
- Parent communicating with teacher
- Parent/student communicating with counselor of student's alpha (click here for student/counselor assignments)
- Parent/student communicating with Assistant Principal of student's alpha - see below
- Parent/student communicating with Principal
DVHS Administrative Staff
DVHS Administrative Staff
DVHS Administrative Staff
Lauren FalknerPrincipal925-479-6400 |
Bob SpainAssistant Principal925-479-6400Assisting student groupLast names A - Ful
Assisting departmentsCareer Technical Education (CTE) and Special Education (SPED)
Earvin BucknerAssistant Principal925-479-6400Assisting student groupLast names Fum - Loz
Assisting departmentsScience & Social Science
JamieShackelfordAssistant Principal925-479-6400Assisting student groupLast names Lu - Sand)
Assisting departmentsEnglish Language Arts & Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA)
Jill NonnAssistant Principal925-479-6400Assisting student groupLast names Sang - Z
Assisting departmentsMath & World Languages
SueEllen ThomasAthletics Director &Assistant Principal925-479-6400Assisting departmentPhysical Education
DVHS Administrative Support Team
DVHS Administrative Support Team
DVHS Administrative Support Team
Cheryl MattinglyOffice Manager &Assistant toPrincipal Lauren Falkner925-479-6400, ext. 8
Heidi BindiStudent attendance for alpha A - FulAssistant to AP Bob Spain925-479-6400, ext. 1
Angela LarragaStudent attendance foralpha Fum - LozAssistant to AP Earvin Buckner925-479-6400, ext. 1
Laurie BowenStudent attendance foralpha Lu- SandAssistant to AP Jamie Shackelford925-479-6400, ext. 1
Tharsne SupramaniamStudent attendance foralpha Sang - ZAssistant to AP Jill Nonn925-479-6400, ext. 1
Rene MatsumotoAssistant to Athletic DirectorSueEllen ThomasBookkeeping Tech925-479-6400, ext. 9
Kim DulaneyOffice Assistant925-479-6400