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Class of 2025 Join to find out information about events and important due dates:
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Naviance is a resource to research colleges, and scholarship opportunities it also helps keep track of the status of your applications, due dates, transcripts, and LORs

Log-in to Naviance Student
1. Go to the SRVUSD Portal
2. Log in with your school email (
3. Click on Student Applications
4. Click on Naviance


Letters of Recommendation

Many private colleges require a letter of rec from your counselor. Your counselor will only write you a letter if you complete the LOR assignment and submit it by the due dates listed below. 
*Do not invite your counselor as a recommender on Naviance
*Notify your counselor and teacher recommenders if you add colleges to your list after the letters have been sent.
Many private colleges require letters of recommendation from your teachers. Most of those colleges require applicants to request letters from your high school teachers (to be your primary recommenders). Once a teacher has agreed to write the letter of recommendation, please request them on Naviance.
Outside Recommenders/ Former DVHS Teachers
Students who wish to request letters of recommendation from non-DVHS teachers need to follow the linked instructions.
Counselor LOR Packet Due Dates

Counselor LOR Packet Due Dates

helpful tips
School Code: 053-218
Class of 2025: 839
SSID: Can be found on your transcript
DVHS Does Not Rank
DVHS School Profile 
Non-District Course Work: If you have taken a course outside of DVHS and report it on your college application, an offical transcript must be submitted from the instution you took the course from.
SAT/ACT Score Sending Info:
-Students are responsible for sending their own official score reports
-CSU/UC are no longer allowing submission of SAT/ACT scores
-Many private college have gone test optional-- only send your scores if it helps your application
Please Do Not Request Transcripts FOR UC and CSU, they don't want them. 

future plans

College & Post-High Scool Plans

The counselors are here to help you!!!


college applications


4-year Colleges/University Applications

CalState Apply- California State Universities-used by all CSU campuses
UC App- University of California- Used by all UC campuses
The Common App- Used by most private colleges
The Coalition App- Used by some private and out of state colleges.


           DVC Enrollment Presentation Slides (Presented 3/1/23)
Assist-The official course transfer and articulation system for California's public colleges and universities
California Community Colleges- Research colleges and programs at CA CCs.
California Trade and Technical programs- Trade schools prepare graduates for careers in healthcare, technology, legal services, and professional trades like plumbing and welding. Many of these careers offer strong salaries and growth potential, making trade school a good investment for many students.
UC TAG Program -Transfer admission guarantee (TAG) a guaranteed place at any one of six UC campuses.

financial aid

Financial Aid Information

           Financial Aid Night Presentation- 11/8/2023

Scholarship Information

There are many scholarship websites, here are a few the counseling department endorse:
    • Determine which schools require initial transcripts to be sent.                    *Remember, UCs and CSUs do not need transcripts to be sent, unless a campus has contacted you specifically and requested your transcript.
*** DVHS will not send transcripts without this FERPA waiver document on file.
    • Once your FERPA is waived, Click on "Colleges" tab
    • Click on "colleges I'm applying to"
    • Click on "Manage Transcripts" and add your requests
    • Track the process to see when your transcript has been sent
         College Transcript Request Types

         College Transcript Request Types

Unofficial- You can obtain a copy of your unofficial transcript from Infinite Campus. You can use this transcript to self report your grades.
1. Log in to the Infinite Campus Portal.
2. On the left-hand column select "Documents".
3. On the bottom of the "documents" page select "Portal Transcript" 
4.When the report opens, select the download icon on the top right of the report and save the file OR select PRINT.
Initial Official Transcript- Ordered through Naviance. This transcript includes all coursework through 2nd semester 11th grade. Only Required if specifically stated by the college/university.
Mid-Year Official Transcript- Includes 1st semester senior year grades. Requested by many private colleges, check your application requirements for each college to determine which colleges require them.
Final Transcript- Includes all high school coursework through 2nd semester senior year. Only sent to the college you will attend.
                    College Decision Types

                    College Decision Types

important info
  • DVHS Financial Aid Night-TBD
  • SRVUSD College Night: October 23rd @ DVHS 6-8 pm
  • UC/CSU Apps due 11/30/24
  • College Decision Day- 5/1/25
Application Guides (How-to Complete Your Apps)
College Essay Help