Volleyball: Men's
Our coaches embody the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance's Double-Goal-Coach job description. DVHS is a member of the EBAL (East Bay Athletic League) and NCS (North Coast Section) and we have well over 1200 student athletes.
Monday, Feb. 10 in the DVHS aux gym, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11 in the DVHS aux gym, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m
Wednesday, Feb. 12 in the DVHS aux gym, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m
Thursday, Feb. 13 in the DVHS aux gym, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m
All registration and paperwork is due 1 week prior to the first tryout date.
If you are planning on trying out for 2024-25 Sports you must be registered on AthleticClearance.com, and have a current physical uploaded on the athleticclearance.com site.
Please make sure you register under the 2024-25 school year when you log into AthleticClearance.com. Student showing unclear have not been processed by the office staff, students showing denied are missing a current physical or my have incomplete information in their registration. Please check spam folders for denial emails.
Individual questions should be directed to team coach(es) or Athletic Director SueEllen Thomas.