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Our coaches embody the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance's Double-Goal-Coach job description.  DVHS is a member of the EBAL (East Bay Athletic League) and NCS (North Coast Section) and we have well over 1200 student athletes.


All sessions take place at the DVHS Baseball Field
Feb 10, 11, 12  3:30pm - 5:30pm 
Optional:  Open fields Tuesday & Fridays after school - 5:00 pm
All registration and paperwork is due 1 week prior to the first tryout date.
If you are planning on trying out for 2024-25 Sports you must be registered on, and have a current physical uploaded on the site.
Please make sure you register under the 2024-25 school year when you log into  Student showing unclear have not been processed by the office staff, students showing denied are missing a current physical or my have incomplete information in their registration. Please check spam folders for denial emails.
Individual questions should be directed to team coach(es) or Athletic Director SueEllen Thomas.

Head Coach:  Kyle Stewart